The project consisted of the construction including detailed design of a research facility for NIBRT. The building is 6,000sq.m and includes a pilot plant, laboratories, training and office facility.
The facility includes:
- Suite of bench-scale bioreactors for training activities
- Suite of bench-scale filtration and chromatography systems for training
- Upstream pilot plant bio-processing suite to 150L operated under ‘GMP-simulated’ conditions
- Downstream pilot plant bio-processing suite operated under ‘GMP-simulated’ conditions
- Bio-analytical suite supporting the research and training activities operated under ‘GMP-simulated’ conditions
- Extensive research laboratories including ‘world-leading’ analytical technologies
- Specialised Plant and Utilities
- HVAC Air handling plant and Distribution installations
- Fume and Specific Exhaust systems including stacks
- Steam and Condensate Generation and Distribution System
- Chilled Water Generation and Distribution System
- Low Pressure Hot Water Generation and Distribution System (2 circuits including Under – floor Heating circuit)
- Compressed Air Generation and Process and Instrument Air Distribution Systems
- Mains (potable) Water Distribution
- Non Potable Water Cold Water Storage and Distribution System
- Non Potable Water Hot Water Generation, Storage and Distribution System including hot water return
- Fire Water (Hose Reels) Storage and Distribution System
- Foul Waste System

What We Did at UCD NIBRT
- Process Waste Drainage
- Cold Condensate Piping Systems
- Lab Gases (O2, N2, C02) Storage
- Hook up of Utilities to Free Issue Equipment
- Atrium Under-floor Heating Installation
- Fire Suppression Systems
- Natural Gases