This project consists of the fit-out of the 5th, 6th & 7th floors of an office building at the Point Village Complex, to provide office accommodation for Yahoo! The mechanical installation consisted of the following:
- Supply and install 158no 4 pipe FCU with exposed mechanical services in a restricted ceiling void
- Chilled water, LPHW, and condensate drains serving fan coil units
- A fresh air supply system to each fan coil with general extract
- Extract ventilation to all toilet systems
- Water and waste systems to the new toilet areas
- Services to the kitchen including waste, water and canopy extract ventilation.
- A full digital BMS system
- Water and waste services to local tea stations
- DX cooling system to comms rooms
- Hand held fire extinguishers
- Gas-based automatic extinguisher system to the main comms room
The overall Construction Value on this project was €10.5m.

What We Did at Yahoo
- Chilled water, LPHW, and condensate drains serving fan coil units
- Extract ventilation to all toilet systems
- Water and waste systems to the new toilet areas
- A full digital BMS system
- Water and waste services to local tea stations
- Hand held fire extinguishers
Project snapshot
Yahoo – Fitout Level 5, 6 & 7, Point Village
5 Months