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At Jones, we recognise the growing awareness around the demand for responsible business behaviour with issues relating to sustainability, ethics and respect for all of our stakeholders. We are extremely passionate about culture, diversity and inclusiveness in the workplace and recognise the impacts that they have on both their environment and the society in which they operate.
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Run for your life

While most people start running for the physical benefits of the sport, it can also be hugely beneficial for your mental health. A study on 14,000 people undertaken by Asics during the pandemic found that 82% of runners say running helps to clear their mind, and 78% feel saner and in control because of running.
Today it is easy to feel consumed by your work life, which can in turn lead to overwhelming feelings of stress and inadequacy. Running for even just 15 minutes a day can help reduce worries and improve your reaction to stressful situations. It can make you feel motivated and ready to tackle the day with clarity and confidence.
At Jones Engineering we are keen to promote positive mental health and have several dedicated runners who take part in marathons, ultra-marathons and charity runs across the world for both enjoyment, thrill, and the sense of accomplishment it gives them.

Donal Moran, Contracts Manager on one of our blue-chip Data Centre Projects ran the London Marathon this month placing 227th overall with an outstanding time of 2:37:25. This incredible achievement displays Donal’s absolute commitment and passion to the sport. Ken Corcoran, Chief Estimator is an ultra-marathon runner. His outstanding achievements this year include a 50K in Donadea, 200K Kerry ultra and he is taking part in the Dublin Marathon this Sunday, alongside training for a 24hr run on New Year’s eve.

Earlier this year, several of the team working on one of our data centre projects in Sweden completed the Stockholm Half Marathon, while a number of our team in Ireland ran in the Grant Thornton 5K at Dublin Docklands in aid of Red Cross Ukraine Appeal.
Well done to all our dedicated staff and best of luck to all our employees who are taking part in the Dublin Marathon this weekend including Warren Baird, Nathan Carey, Ken Corcoran, John Couch, Katherine Dunne, Aidan Durnin, Patrick Gill, Micheal McElroy, Gillian O’Connor and Padriag Pratt.