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At Jones, we recognise the growing awareness around the demand for responsible business behaviour with issues relating to sustainability, ethics and respect for all of our stakeholders. We are extremely passionate about culture, diversity and inclusiveness in the workplace and recognise the impacts that they have on both their environment and the society in which they operate.
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A trip down memory lane with Nationwide – Jones Engineering Dublin City Liffey Swim 2019

On Monday 12th August, Nationwide took us on a trip down memory lane with a great feature on the 2019 Jones Engineering Dublin City Liffey Swim.
First run in 1920, the Liffey swim is the oldest continuously run annual swimming race in Europe. A historic part of a Dublin summer, last year marked the 100th anniversary of the swim. Eric Kinsella, Chairman of Jones Engineering, was the youngest competitor at 13 when he completed his first Liffey Swim. He commissioned a special commemorative medal to mark the 100th anniversary which was presented to the top three finishers in the men’s and women’s races.
We believe that while creating the projects of the future it is important to play our part in preserving the legacy of our past. Jones Engineering was established in 1890 and 30 years later the first Liffey Swim took place. Over the next 100 years, while we worked on iconic buildings throughout Dublin, we watched and cheered as the brave swimmers took up the challenge of swimming 2.2km through the heart of the city.
It’s been a century of happy memories and we feel very proud to support this world famous event which is so important to the community we live and work in. We recognise the value of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and actively work to positively impact the locality in every country we work in. We believe in thinking globally and acting locally.
Follow the link to watch the video and skip ahead to 7mins 35seconds for the start of the Liffey Swim coverage.
Unfortunately the Jones Engineering Dublin City Liffey Swim will not be going ahead this year but we are excited for what next year has in store for us!
#TeamJones #LiffeySwim