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At Jones, we recognise the growing awareness around the demand for responsible business behaviour with issues relating to sustainability, ethics and respect for all of our stakeholders. We are extremely passionate about culture, diversity and inclusiveness in the workplace and recognise the impacts that they have on both their environment and the society in which they operate.
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Safety Training Saves Lives
At all times, prevention and proactive precautions are foremost in our minds and in particular when it comes to employee H&S training. We understand that incidents can happen, but our priority is reducing the risks and ensuring our employees have the knowledge, training, and tools they need to make the judgement calls that arise on site every day.
Danger can strike without warning and in those moments each second is vital. Recently one of our Construction Managers, Stephen Bassett, experienced a situation where his training was put to the ultimate test. While working on site, an apprentice member of the team collapsed suddenly while walking. When Stephen arrived on the scene, he jumped in to action, with assistance from his colleagues in Structuretone Ltd., to perform CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and to administer AED (Automated External Defibrillator) until the paramedics arrived to take over.
We are ecstatic to report the apprentice has been discharged from hospital and commended his colleagues at site for their life saving efforts. Staff at the hospital commented that if it had not been for CPR administered and the quick reactions of the team, the outcome could have been devastatingly different.
There are not enough words to express our gratitude to Stephen and our colleagues at Structuretone. You kept calm in the face of danger while under pressure and used your training to turn a possible catastrophe into a close call.
In the event of sudden cardiac arrest in the workplace, having an AED on-site, and CPR and AED-certified employees may mean the difference between life and death. However these instances are not limited to the workplace, they can happen to any one of us at any time. Some studies suggest that if a defibrillator is used and effective CPR is performed within 3-5 minutes of cardiac arrest, the chance of survival increases from 6% to 74%! If you are interested in CPR or AED Training there are many courses available throughout the country provided by reputable trainers. Don’t delay, you could save a life today.